Monday, November 05, 2007

Going Away Party

Warning: I am salty today. Perhaps it's the fact that I got up at 4am, or that people frustrate me, or that I have a SPLITTING headache... at any rate, I am salty.
Monday, 4:45pm. All I want to do is go home.
Can't. "Have" to go socialize. I really do not enjoy spending my precious amount of "personal" time with someone that I will NEVER work with again. He's leaving the company. So, the next logical question is "Why are you going then?"
Answer: To play nicely with the people to decided to put this together... and that will still be my co-workers tomorrow. Please note: No, the fun-friendly HR office did not organize this little evening.
Now I have to play the politics, spend my time and resources on something with no real return. Cheers.

1 comment:

belbing said...
