Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Not-So-Simple Math

I didn't get a chance to post my math problem for yesterday, but I feel that it should be recognized:

Month x Day = Year

What am I talking about?

It's simple: February (2) x Fourth Day (4) = Year (08), so 2x4=8

Here's today's math problem:
Super Tuesday:
Two dozen states are hosting their primary voting today. A record number of people are expected to participate, myself included. At 6am this morning, I was the first person to vote Republican.

Fat Tuesday:
Today is Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday. The last day before the Lenten season begins. As such, today is Paczki day! Ultra tasty pastries filled with various sweet fillings. (It's a typically-Polish/ Christian custom with the intention to use all of the fat in the house in preparation for Lent.) HMMM Tasty! Of course, since they are somehow ultra-dense and ultra-moist at the same time means that I feel that today is my personal FAT TUESDAY!

So, the simple math for today is this:

Super Tuesday + Fat Tuesday = Super Fat Tuesday!

Therefore, Happy Super Fat Tuesday!

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